Thoughts and observations in numbers for the day.
1. Saw 2 bike boxes go on the plane. 1 of which was mine (see left hand of photo under tail). Hopefully at least one bike will reach New Zealand on Friday in one piece. For the record it weighed in at 25 kilos.
2. Watched two films Rush and Jupiter one. Hopefully there will not be a Jupiter two.
3. The staff on board spoke a total of 12 languages between them. I just tested their English.
4. Dubai airport. The bus journey from the aeroplane to the terminal took 15 minutes. Every aeroplane was an Emirates. I must have counted at least 50 aeroplanes. Monopoly ?
5. Ten hour stop over in Dubai.
6. One hour to get through customs.
7. I now have a 30 day visa to stay in the UAE for the night.
8. Timezone – 3 hours ahead of Bourg d’Oisans and 9 hours behind New Zealand.
9. Number of kilometres cycled today is zero.