Never wash your bike in the hotel shower

bourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moirans
bourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moiransbourg d'oisans to bristol day 1 bourg to moirans

Day 1 of my trip from Bourg d’Oisans to Bristol started a day earlier than first planned. With snow due in Bourg d’Oisans on Sunday I decided to get away today and put in a few banker kilometres and a farewell lunch with the family in Grenoble.

It rained on and off all day.

The first climb of the day was out of Vizille. This was the first climb I had completed fully loaded up. It was slow. I soon realised that there is a completely different set of dynamics to riding a heavy bike, for example you can not easily get out of the saddle so the climb is taken sitting down and it takes longer !!. I now know the importance of that power to weight ratio stuff the pros go on about all the time.

On reaching my destination in Moirans the bike was filthy so I thought it would be a good idea to try and clean it in the shower. Getting it in the shower was easy. Cleaning the bike was easy, but cleaning the shower was not so easy. Plus never attempt to clean up the muddy puddle with a white towel. A quick exit tomorrow I think after an all you can eat breakfast.

Read all my Bourg d’Oisans to Bristol blog here

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