Le Race is a tough sportive held in March between Christchurch and Akaroa.
I decided to follow the course on today’s ride and stay overnight in Akoroa described in the brochures as a little bit of France. Apparently French citizens at the turn of the last century were sold land in the area to encourage them to emigrate. On arrival they found the land that they had already bought had already been sold!
Rowena rode for the first 20km or so today up over the summit road before turning back to Christchurch. I continued on to Akoroa.
On my own now I continues on the flat for a good few kilometres before hitting the bottom of the Hilltop road. What a beast this turned out to be traversing the bay with Akoroa safety nestled in the bay below.
At each turn and each summit I thought I would finally get the descent into Akoroa that I had been promised back in Christchurch. This continued for 15 km and at each turn or false summit I was rewarded with a small descent and yet another climb. Of course the big descent finally arrived and I sped into the delightfully french seaside town of Akoroa.