More Than 21 Bends Tour Ray June 2022

Please can I ask you complete the survey below to help us improve our cycling holidays

Col de Sarenne
More Than 21 Bends Survey
Please help us improve our holidays by completing this questionnaire.

Would you recommend this company to a friend or colleague?

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Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with our company?

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Part 2/4: Cycle Tour Assessment
What did you think of our cycle tour

Which of the following words would you use to describe our holidays? Select all that apply.

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How would you rate the quality of the accommodation in Allemond (from 1 to 10)

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How would you rate the quality of the accommodation in St Jean de Maurienne (from 1 to 10)

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The Cycling
How would you rate the following climbs (1 to 10) with 10 being the best

Day 1 : Col du Glandon

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Day 1 : Lacets du Montvernier

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Day 2 : Col de la Madeleine

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Day 2 : Col du Chaussy

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Day 3 : Col du Telegraphe

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Day 3 : Col du Galibier

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Day 4 : Did you enjoy the rest day ?

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Day 4 : On the rest day would you have liked an additional days supported riding ?

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Day 4 : Would you have liked a different activity organised for the rest day ?

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Day 5 : Alpe d'Huez

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Day 5 : Col de Sarenne

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Day 6 : Pas de la Confession

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Please rate the destination towns of your tour (1 to 10) with 10 being the best

Allemond - Oisans Valley

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St Jean de Maurienne - Maurienne Valley

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How can we improve the holiday ?
We are always looking to provide the best holiday that we can and are always looking for recommendations to improving them.

What worked well for you ?

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What worked less well for you ?

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Customer Care
How was our customer service ?

How responsive have we been to your questions or concerns regarding our holidays?

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At what email address would you like to be contacted?

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Additional Feedback

Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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